martes, 4 de mayo de 2010


SKALARIAK is a spanish group. They started in 1994 in Pamplona by two brothers reggae fans. They was Juantxo and Peio Skalari. After, the brothers created one goup at 6 components.

In 1997 after one concert, the group recod the first CD. The song is record at "euskera" and castilian. In 1999 after the mini tour at Europa and many changes, born ht new proyect, called Klub Ska. In 2001 and 2003 they created En la Kalle and Radio Ghetto.

Finally in 2006 un creator of SKALARIAK abandonedthe group (Peio), but it continued in the new proyect, The Kluba, and after Vendetta.


MADNESS is a english group of ska. It was born in London at 1976. His fist name was The North London Invaders. Before of many changes the group called Madness.

Madness it formed for Mike Barson (keyboard), Chris Foremat (guitar), Lee Thompson (saxophone), Mark Bedford (bass), Daniel Woodgate (drummer) and Graham Mcperson (voice).

The group had not exit in EEUU, but in United Kingdom and Europe they was a firt in music lists, by house of fun.

In Spain MADNESS triuphed by un paso adelante


The SKA borned in Kingston at initially of 60s befor the reggae and the rocksteady. It was born of a mixtore of jazz or blues and caribbean rhythm. It's considered a Jamaican music for excellence.

At end o 60s the SKA went to United Kindom and Europe. It triuphed throughout the whole continent.

In the 70s the SKA mixed at PUNK. The new sond was hastened.

Now is the same type of music.


Hello, my name is Jorge. I created this blogg for the class of "practical english". I will describe the live of SKA, and I will talk of some groups of SKA, and your components.